5 Frame Nucs – Best of both worlds! Early nucs, and a local queen for the winter
5 Frame Nucs – Best of both worlds! Early nucs, and a local queen for the winter
5 Frame Nucs – Best of both worlds! Early nucs, and a local queen for the winter
- Nucs for the flow - We are taking a unique approach to how our nucs are produced. In order to get them to you early as possible, they will be started with purchased Italian queens and have the nucs ready by May 6th. This is a much easier deadline to hit with purchased queens.
- Local July/August replacement queens! All nuc purchases are eligible for our locally produced Carniolan or Italian queens for $25 . We highly recommend this option so you go into the winter with a locally adapted, young queen. This increases your overwintering success, and you hit the following spring with a well mated, young (under a year old) queen, ready to take full advantage of our early flow.